Infinite Ammo
The meteorites are a crucial element in "The Spore Wars" but can be tricky to find. To unlock the bonus of infinite ammunition, collect all 81 meteorites across all levels. Although the infinite ammo bonus guarantees infinite ammunition only for radical-type weapons, every radical-type gun will have the bonus.
Many items in "The Spore Wars" are collectible and unlock bonuses. In order to reach some of these items, collect the Sticky Hand tool in the Old King Cole level. Capture all collectibles throughout the game and then reload your saved file. The gallery will appear, enabling you to view concept art. Having all collectibles will also unlock the Music and bonus minigames.
Finding Meteorites
To aid in finding the Meteorites throughout the games, pay attention to your Wiimote as you explore a level. As you come near a meteorite, the Wiimote will start to vibrate. The remote will vibrate stronger as you walk closer, so just follow the direction of the strongest rumble to find the nearest meteorite.
Other Hints
Before killing the final boss In the Log Village Villainy level, follow the wall to the left of the turtle boss. Follow this wall all the around, which will lead you to a turtle egg. The final turtle boss in Log Village Villainy is hard to beat without additional health sources. To refill your health or spore power during the battle, simply kill some of the wasps in the area. This encounter will not interrupt your progress with the boss.