Ensure that the Wii controls are calibrated and that the sensor bar is placed correctly. An uncalibrated Wii Remote won't track well and it will be difficult to stir with a jumpy or laggy controller. Remote sensitivity can also be adjusted for better control (see Resources for help with these issues).
Practice in the game's practice mode. "Cooking Mama: Cook Off" has a built-in mode that allows you to practice the game's recipes without being judged for speed or quality. Practicing often will allow you to refine your skills and increase your finishing speed.
Stir by holding the Wii Remote as you would a spoon, with the top end pointing downwards. Stir the remote in a circular motion, and keep a steady pace. Ensure that the circular motion is of a fixed size.
Count to yourself if you're having trouble keeping a steady pace. This will allow you to time the motions and continue a consistent rhythm.
Watch the screen for visual prompts. If your dish starts to spill, you're stirring too quickly or are not keeping a steady rhythm. Stir slower if this happens.
Continue stirring steadily until the next step in the dish appears.