Complete all of the main story missions for Harbor City. These missions are "Big Willy is People!" "Harbor City Weiner Roast," "Meat the Press," "The Scenic Tour," "Protest Removement" and "Willy Unleashed." Complete all the main story missions for Fairfield, which are "Country Roads, Take Me Away," "A Furon Scorned," "Jiggling Bombs," "Return of the Corncob King" and "Burn, Baby, Burn!"
Complete the main story missions for the Fantasy Atoll area. These missions are "Welcome to Fantasy Atoll," "Fetch Quest 2: The Wrath of Pork," "Dinky and the Brain," "Customer Service," "Requiem for a Ratpoo" and "The Hate Boat." Complete the main story missions for Vietmahl; these missions are "Great Big Convoy!" "Shields Down," "Kluckin's Base," "Taking Flak," "Kill-A-Trahn" and "Stone Cold." This will unlock the Shrink Ray.
Press "Down" on the control pad during regular gameplay to bring up your weapon wheel. Point the control pad at the Shrink Ray and release the control pad to select the weapon. Press the "B" button to fire the Shrink Ray.