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How to Make a New Species in Viva Pinata

"Viva Pinata" is a simulation game in which you attempt to attract and breed different varieties of piñata animals to live in a garden that you build and maintain. It is for play on the Xbox 360 gaming console. There are many varieties of piñata's to be obtained, some of which are available for you to entice to wander into your garden. These varieties are all black and white at first, and turn vibrant colors when they become residents in your garden. Other varieties are obtained by breeding different combinations of your resident species together.


    • 1

      Prepare your garden for piñatas to reside. Each variety of piñata has specific criteria for wandering into your garden and taking up residence. Highlight one of the black and white piñatas wandering on the outskirts of your garden and click on "Information" to see what it requires to be interested in your garden. Make the necessary modifications to your foliage, housing and fencing to adhere to the piñata's needs.

    • 2

      Get piñatas to reside in your garden. When a piñata wanders into your garden, you will be given the option to participate in one of many mini-games. Winning the mini-game will result in your piñata staying. Pay "Gretchen" to go out and fetch certain varieties of piñata by speaking to her at the village store. The varieties she will fetch will broaden the longer you play. As long as you maintain the stipulations unique to each piñata, they will remain residents of your garden.

    • 3

      Boost up the individual piñata specie's romance meter. Click on the information menu for each variety of piñata to see what they require to build their romance meter. Some require a certain amount of food to be fed to them, a certain amount of grass squares in the garden or a certain type of house to reside in, or a combination of some or all of those elements.

    • 4

      Feed the piñatas romance candy and pair them up. Romance candy can be purchased at the village store. Select two piñatas of differing breeds and feed the candy to each of them. You will be presented with one of a variety of romancing mini-games. If you successfully complete the mini-game, the two piñatas will breed and will produce a piñata egg. Once the egg hatches, you will have a new variety of piñata.

    • 5

      Experiment with pairing different species of piñatas. Nearly every pairing of piñata will breed a new variety of piñata. Look at the information for each variety of piñata to determine which, if any, variety of piñata they do not get along with, and avoid pairing those combinations.

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