"Tales of Vesperia" is the first high-definition game in the long-running series of "Tales" role-playing games. It came out originally on the Xbox 360 and follows the story of a young man fighting for what he believes is right. In the game, you can make weapons and armor using a synthesis technique, but you need material to do so. One item you need for item synthesis is a fragment of hyper resonance, which is a throwback to another game in the series "Tales of the Abyss."
Play the game until right before the final dungeon. Once the final dungeon is unlocked, everything on the world map will open.
Fly to the island west of Halure and land.
Fight the Gentlereplicas monsters that spawn on the island. They are tall, man-like monsters with masks that look like Luke from "Tales of the Abyss." These monsters drop fragments of hyper resonance when you fight them.