Things You'll Need
Go to "Challenges" and attempt any that require you to kill a certain number of enemies in the campaign.
Choose "Heroic" as your difficulty and set scoring on. Select the "ONI: Sword Base" mission from the beginning. Sprint through the courtyard past the enemies -- careful not to kill any enemies -- and into the hangar on the far right.
Equip the target locator from the weapons cache on the right side of the hangar (your left when entering). Run to the left corner of the hangar and wait until you get a checkpoint. Aim the target locator at the enemies gathered outside the hangar. Once the air strike takes them out, restart the mission from your last saved checkpoint. Repeat the process until you are less than 10 kills away from accomplishing the challenge. Hide in the corner again for another checkpoint.
Take out the remaining enemies for the challenge and when the "Challenge complete" bubble pops up, unplug the Ethernet cord from your console. Exit to the main menu and re-insert the Ethernet cable. Resume your campaign from the last saved checkpoint and repeat the process to repeatedly earn challenge credits.