Take out the snow packet while in your garden. Cover 10 pinometers, or 1%, of the garden with a blanket of snow.
Buy a holly berry from the store for 30 coins. Alternatively, buy a holly seed for seven coins. Plant it on bare soil or snow to get a holly bush, and then knock one of the berries off.
Select Bart's Exchange from the town's store list. Ask Bart to tinker the holly berry. He transforms the berry into a jar of figgy pudding.
Buy four fir cones for 150 coins each. If you have the room in your garden for a large tree, it is also possible to grow a fir tree and get a supply of cones.
Leave the garden and head to the Pinarctic. Buy an orange for 30 coins, and use it as bait in a trap. When Flapyak comes close to the trap and sees the orange, it walks inside to eat it. Close the trap door.
Go back to the garden with the Flapyak. Place the figgy pudding and four fir cones near it. When the Flapyak eats all of these items, it turns into a resident.