Find a location for your operable gate, preferably an enclosed space with a narrow exit.
Place two dumpsters or barriers with properties of "instant respawn" in the narrow exit.
Spawn a weapon holder on top of a crate followed by a gravity lift (Respawn Rate = "Never," Place On Start = "Yes") at a downward angle in front of the weapon holder outside of your gate. Delete the crate.
Set an fusion coil inside your gate area with a respawn rate of "never."
Drop a crate directly over the gravity lift you set earlier. Drop a fusion coil over the crate with the following properties: Respawn rate = 180, Place On Start = No, Runtime Minimum = 1. Delete the crate.
Place a barrier behind the dumpsters in your gate area. Use two barriers to make a right angle to hold a weapon holder facing directly toward the barriers blocking the exit. Set a gravity lift in front of the weapon holder so that it is higher than the barriers and with the following properties: Respawn Rate = 180, Place On Start = No, Runtime Minimum = 1. Delete the boxes and barriers so that only the weapon holder, gravity lift and fusion coil remain in your area. Start a new round.
Set up a series of "walls" above your gravity lift so that it resembles an enclosed "tube." Blow up the fusion coil to activate the gate.