Become a level 4 gardener or better. To raise your gardening level to 4, you need to earn experience through gardening. Every plant in the game has a cycle of watering and fertilizing that you need to keep up and the game will award you experience points based on your performance. If you get every step right and raise the plant to maturity, you get a much bigger bonus than if you got a step wrong. Once your gardening prowess has reached level 4, Raisants should begin to appear around your garden.
Raise at least one mature fruit tree in your garden in order to get the Raisant to enter. Pinatas will only enter your garden if there is something they want, and the Raisant is interested in fruit. It will only enter your garden if you have a fruit tree with which to tempt it.
Wait for the Raisant to eat three pieces of fruit of any kind in your garden. In order to make the Raisant stay as a resident in your garden, it needs to eat three pieces of fruit. The type of fruit doesn't matter and it can come from different trees. There is no way to force the Raisant to eat, but the more fruit there is in your garden, the better your chances of the Raisant eating three pieces. Once this is done, the Raisant will become a permanent resident in your garden.