Walk out to a wooded area or open field, away from towns or settlements. If you wait in one area for any given period of time you will come into contact with multiple animals. Press the left trigger to bring up your currently equipped weapon and the right trigger to shoot the animal. Bigger animals require more bullets or stronger weapons, while smaller animals need only one shot from a revolver to kill.
Activate your Dead Eye aiming to place your shots in areas that will kill faster, such as the head or the neck.
Purchase bait from any general store or kill smaller animals to attract larger predators. Open your satchel menu to select the bait and then move away from the area where you placed the bait to wait for animals to show up.
Open your map to get a better look at which animals inhabit which areas. When zoomed out the map has pictures of different animals in different areas, signifying their territories.
Complete the eight master hunter challenges to unlock your opportunity to hunt Khan, the legendary jaguar. This is the only jaguar in the game and necessary for completion of this achievement. Open your challenge journal to see which tasks need to be completed and then travel to Oja de Diablo and look for Khan on the western side when the challenge becomes available.