Collect all 100 feathers in the game and return to Ezio's villa in Monteriggioni.
Go up the stairs and then turn right at the top. Go to Maria's room at the far right side of the upper level.
Stand next to the highlighted chest and press "B" to place the feathers inside it. Watch the cut scene and Maria will give you the Auditore cape.
Press "Start" and select the "Inventory" option from the pause menu. Select "Outfits" and then scroll down to the Auditore cape. Press "X" to equip the cape and return to the game.
Travel to Venice, Florence, Tuscany, Romagna and the mountains. All of these areas except the mountains can be accessed via the fast travel booths dotted around all major cities. Travel south from Forli in the Romagna region to access the mountains.