Stand at the edge of the room when the battle begins. If you get too close to the rock troll, it knocks you over and causes severe damage.
Equip a long-range weapon, ideally a powerful rifle or pistol. The most powerful pistol in the game is the Red Dragon, acquired when you earn over 175 points in the Westcliff shooting range.
Face the rock troll and wait for glowing red areas to appear on its body. These areas are its weak points.
Ready a piercing spell, such as Blades. Fire your spell as you aim at the troll. When you hit a weak spot, it disappears and the troll starts to stomp around. This can knock you down if you are too close.
Run around the arena as the rock troll throws boulders at you. As you run, shoot the troll's weak spots. If hobbes appear, shoot them quickly to keep them from harassing you. If you have it, the Raise Dead spell also works to distract them.
Continue this process until the rock troll is defeated. If you kill the rock troll in under one minute and 50 seconds, you score a perfect round.