Use strikes to weaken Rhodes initially. He is a technical wrestler who has a lot of speed so he tends to not fair as well in a brawl. Choose large, strong wrestlers such as The Undertaker or John Cena to maximize your chances of success in the match as they can out-strike and overpower Rhodes.
Cut off the ring by backing Rhodes into a corner. This limits his mobility and will make it easier to catch him as he tries to maneuver around the ring. Once you have him cornered and weakened with strikes, you can start grappling.
Activate a weak grapple once Rhodes is cornered to do a weaker move that can drop him to the mat. Rhodes may reverse you initially; if he does, go back to striking to soften him up some more.
Stomp and elbow Rhodes while he is on the ground to take away his stamina. Execute a grapple move after one or two stomps to lock in a hold right before he gets to his feet.
Use stronger grapples as Rhodes gets tired. These will result in more powerful attacks that will weaken him significantly while also building up your own meter so you can execute a finishing move. Rhodes is a very good grappler so avoid using stronger grapples too early because he'll likely reverse them on you.
Roll out of the ring if Rhodes gains momentum in his attacks on you. The break in action could swing the match back in your favor. Rhodes can do some high-flying moves, so be careful he doesn't jump at you from over the ropes.
Execute your finishing move. If the move is a submission hold such as John Cena's STF, it could result in a submission victory. If it's an impact move such as The Undertaker's tombstone piledriver or Randy Orton's RKO, go for an immediate cover and Rhodes is unlikely to kick out.