"Fable II," a role-playing game released for the Xbox 360 in 2008, is more than just navigating dungeons and slaying enemies. There are many towns throughout the world where a player can not only interact with villagers, but also with their pets, such as when kicking a chicken. There are numerous reasons why a player would want to kick a chicken: to make the villagers laugh, to open a Demon Door, to gain an achievement or to gain a new title. Before you kick a chicken, you must first find a chicken to kick.
Travel to any village in the game, like Oakfield, Bloodstone or Westcliff. You can find chickens running around freely in any town in the game.
Stand next to the chicken you wish to kick.
Press the "A" button on your Xbox 360 controller. Your character kicks the chicken with his boot, sending it flying into the air.