Guard the garden with a Limeoceros. Have five thistles in the garden to get one to visit. It must eat one fireweed seed, one thistle seed, and one prickly pear seed for residency. You must have also had tame Limeoceros as a resident before a guard Limeoceros will stay. Once a Limeoceros is present, it will chase Pester away when he tries to enter the garden.
Bribe Pester with 500 chocolate coins as soon as he enters the garden. This is risky because it must be done the instant he enters, and has to be done every time he enters.
Buy a decoy piñata for 825 chocolate coins. This is likely the least preferred method as it is more expensive than the others and must be replaced every time Pester enters. He will destroy the decoy and leave.
Use a Dragonache to defend the garden. Dragonache can only be found in the mine purchased from Willy Builder. The mine costs 16,500 chocolate coins and requires level 26 to purchase. Hire diggerlings from Arfur's Inn to dig in the mine for a Dragonache egg. Dragonaches can easily set Pester on fire, but, the Pester will run around and ignite other objects too.
Build a fence on the side of the garden in front of the Tower of Sour. Bring the cursor as close to the Tower of Sour as possible and then move back one space. Start the fence at the left lower corner of the tower, then go to the right of the garden about eight spaces. The fence should keep Pester confined to his tower.