Recruit four or five of your friends to assist you in your achievement pursuits. It's possible to earn this achievement on an open server, but you will have a harder time if every player isn't helping you.
Create your own multiplayer lobby and make sure that it is set to "Private." You will want the server to only be populated by you and your friends.
Tell your friends that no one is to attempt to kill anyone until the achievement is earned; they're just there to populate the server so a game can be created.
Start a new Scavenge game and choose to play as "Survivor."
Select a smaller map such as Hard Rain or Sugarmill, and make sure the difficulty is set to "Easy."
Run to the canisters farthest from the start point first. From there, collect canisters that are closer and closer to the start point until the achievement is earned. You and the person on your team should start by running in opposite directions.