Travel to the Funland stronghold in the southwest corner of Pacific City. The Funland stronghold is located on the coast of Pacific City and is distinguished by the partially wrecked Ferris wheel at the center of the stronghold.
Move to the red Cell insignia on the ground in the stronghold and press the "Back" button to begin a stronghold takeover. Kill Cell soldiers until the red bar at the top of the screen is depleted and a helicopter deposits friendly troops at the stronghold. "Crackdown 2" will save your progress once Funland is captured.
Locate the "Chuck's Ducks 2" booth in the southeast section of the Funland stronghold and walk around the booth counter to the row of rubber ducks in the booth. Hold the "X" button to swap your current grenade for the Quacker grenade. Quit and reload your "Crackdown 2" saved game if the Quacker grenades do not appear in the booth.
Move to the white Agency symbol on the ground in the Funland stronghold and press the "Back" button to register the Quacker grenade. You can now equip the Quacker grenade from any supply point in "Crackdown 2."