Adjust the difficultly level of the game to increase or decrease the score multiplier. Increase the difficulty level to make each kill worth more. An "Easy" difficulty setting will result in one-half the score value for kills, "Normal" produces the full value, "Heroic" provides double the value, and "Legendary" will provide four times the value. For example, a kill resulting in a score of 100 on "Normal" difficulty will result in a score of 400 on "Legendary."
Use combination kills to increase the score of each consecutive kill. Make kills within four seconds of each other. Each consecutive kill provides a multiplier over the previous kill until ten kills are reached, then all consecutive kills receive the highest multiplier value.
Kill easier opponents first in combo kills. This allows you to save the higher value opponents, such as Brute Chieftan's and vehicles, for the higher score multipliers. Make harder opponents easier to kill by wounding them before starting the combo kills. Wounded opponents are easier to kill in the required four second time frame.
Earn combo streaks when more skulls are turned on. Skulls give players additional skills or tactics to use and act as multipliers on the score value of given opponents. New rounds will automatically change the number and type of skulls enabled as you progress through the game. You will earn a higher score for the same kills at a higher multiplier when a skull is turned on. Multiple skulls further increase the multiplier.