Trading Seeds for Items
Throughout your travels in the "Lost Odyssey" world, you will come across items that are called seeds. Although the seeds may seem to have no value, creatures called Pipots will request that you trade the seeds for various items. If you have enough seeds, you will be able to get special items. Trading 20 seeds will net you the Adamantis Sword or Adaman Ring. Trade 40 seeds, and you will gain the Earth Charm. Sixty seeds will earn you a Power Bangle. Trade 80 seeds to receive a GIgan Brooch. These items are rare and powerful accessories.
Hidden Bosses and Abilities
"Lost Odyssey" has a number of side quests that will unlock additional playing time. The hidden bosses throughout the game are challenging battles that are difficult to win. However, the prize for winning these battles are secret abilities that your characters will not learn otherwise. The secret bosses are the Cave Worm, Blue Dragon, Ghost of East Ruins, Golden Knight, Holy Beast, King Kelolon, and the Persona. Defeating them will unlock a new ability for each character in your party. You will also get a lot of experience points for defeating each of these enemies, which will make the final battle much easier.
Quickly Gaining Levels
At various points in "Lost Odyssey," you may feel the need to power-up your characters through constant battles for experience points. A few key areas help you quickly boost your characters strength. Numara Atoll on Disc 2 is an area that becomes open early in the game. Gongora's Secret Lab underneath his mansion offers tough enemies that reward you with a lot of experience. The Temple of Enlightenment opens up on Disc 4 and offers a number of challenging fights that quickly level up your party.
Gaining Barricadus and Shieldus
Barricadus and Shieldus are the two strongest defense abilities in "Lost Odyssey." It's easy to miss gaining them, and you won't have another chance. You must buy these abilities from the store in Gohtza during your first trip or during the Experimental Staff section of the game. The best bet is to save up your money and purchase them while at Gohtza to ensure that you have them when needed. These two spells also count towards unlocking the spell achievement.