Move the directional up and down to highlight items in the menu. Select the highlighted option by pressing the "A" button and cancel or go back by pressing the "B" button.
Move your character with the left thumbstick.
Press the "A" button to make a character jump. This will cause some characters, such as R2-D2, to hover if they have this ability.
Hold down the "B" button and your character will use the Force, if he is a Jedi, or a special ability.
Attack or defend by pressing the "X" button.
Press the "Y" button when near another character to switch between them. This allows you control multiple characters during a level.
Press "Start" to pause the game and access the game options.
Use the left thumbstick to move vehicles in levels in which you ride in one. Press the "X" button to fire the vehicle's weapon. This button works as a turbo booster when you are in the podracer.
Press the left and right trigger buttons to cycle through the characters in "Free Play" mode. This mode allows you to use any unlocked character in any level.