Carry out as many evil deeds as possible -- such as killing innocents, breaking laws, stealing and being violent toward loved ones in order to increase your evil rating. The higher your evil rating the less money you will need to donate to complete this quest.
Travel to Witchwood and follow the path to the Temple. Once inside, speak to the priests and listen about the donations but do not donate. Save your game at this point.
Talk to the priest again and decide how much money you want to donate. If you are at the highest level of evil you should donate around 35,000 gold. If that is not enough, reload your game and increase your donation in increments of 5,000 gold. You will be awarded the legendary Sentius weapon -- a mace with 255 damage.
Talk to the priest again and donate 5,000 gold to be awarded the "gift of youth" which decreases your characters age by 10 years.
Talk to the priest one more time and donate 1,000 gold to be awarded the title of "Paladin."