Kill monsters. Every time you kill an enemy, there's a random chance that it will drop items, including weapons, armor and orbs. Red orbs heal you when you collect them. They can not be stored for later use. As soon as you touch them, they activate and heal you.
Play as a Bio-Engineer and level him up by completing quests and killing monsters. Only Bio-Engineers have the ability to heal themselves, but at the beginning of the game, this talent is fairly weak. By leveling up your character, you'll receive skill points that you can use to improve his ability to heal himself and his allies.
Invest skill points in "Idunn's Touch." "Idunn's Touch" will passively heal your Bio-Engineer. He automatically regains a small fraction of his hit points every second. The more points you invest in the skill, the faster his health returns.
Acquire the skills "Skuld's Embrace" and "Wrack of Lightening Mine." This unlocks "Idunn's Boon." "Idunn's Boon" is a battle cry, and when you activate it, it automatically heals your character and any friendly units nearby. It does this immediately, but it isn't as powerful as the other Bio-Engineer battle cry, "Idunn's Favor."
Get the skills "Warrior of the Battle-Oar" and "Ward of the NORNs." This unlocks "Idunn's Favor." Like "Idunn's Boon," it is a battle cry. It takes a few seconds to activate, but is more powerful than its counterpart.