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How to Unlock All Songs on RockBand 2

Players of the music simulator "Rock Band 2" expand their repertoires as they become more skilled in the many challenges and modes. However, some rockers may want to skip the game and jam right away. Luckily, there is a simple code released by the game manufacturers to unlock songs. Once this cheat is entered, it can be toggled on and off to allow players to experience the whole game. This cheat is particularly useful if players want to play with friends and choose whichever song they wish.


    • 1

      Select the "Extras" option from the main menu. Choose "Modify Game" to enter codes.

    • 2

      On your guitar controller, press the buttons red, yellow, blue, red, red, blue, blue, red, yellow, blue quickly to enter the "unlock songs" code.

    • 3

      Enter the "Cheats" menu in "Extras" to toggle the unlocked songs on or off. Enter the game in any mode to play the new songs.

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