Locate the Death Cards
Locate the Eight of Hearts, the first death card, immediately following the beginning of the game. Turn right and go into the first open shack.
Find the second death card, the Four of Clubs, in the "Little Resistance" level in the brush at the corner of the Japanese bunker.
Search for the King of Hearts death card towards the end of the "Hard Hitting" level. It is in the gutted building.
Earn the fourth death card, the Five of Diamonds, behind the bar in the building that the character Reznov leads you into in the "Vendetta" level.
Look for the fifth death card, the Joker, in the stalls of the barn in the level "Their Land, Their Blood."
Search a dark bunker on the left in the level "Burn 'Em Out" for the Queen of Hearts, the sixth death card.
Explore the caves in the level "Relentless" to find the seventh death card, the Nine of Diamonds.
Enter the asylum in the level "Ring of Steel." Go into the enclave to find the eighth death card, the Jack of Spades.
Find the ninth death card, the Ace of Spades, alongside a wall in the level "Eviction." To get there, kill the soldiers on the balcony and drop through a hole in the floor.
Blow up the first bunker in the level "Blowtorch and Corkscrew." The tenth death card, the Ten of Clubs, is by a stone building that has a corpse hanging in front of it.
Locate the eleventh death card, the Three of Diamonds, in the level "Breaking Point." Take out two mortars before going up a flight of stairs and taking out one more; there will be a small shack with the death card inside.
Following the opening cinematic for the level "Heart of the Reich," find the twelfth death card, the Six of Clubs, in a subway tunnel to the left.
Search for a darkened room in the theater hallways of the level "Downfall." Here, you'll find the Two of Spades, the last death card.
Using the Death Cards
Collect the 13 death cards in single-player campaign mode.
Start a game in co-op mode because you cannot use the features that come with the death cards in single-player campaign mode games. It is not necessary to finish the single-player game in order to use the death card cheats.
Use the special features unlocked by the death cards by toggling each card "on" or "off" to implement the cheats.