Check the status of the rings of light on your console face plate after upgrading any hardware component. A single ring of light indicates a general hardware failure due to improper wiring or a loose connection. Power off the console, unplug all wires and remove all of the accessories that are connected. Re-install each accessory beginning with the memory and hard drive and test the unit before moving on to the next component. Continue adding components until the source of the red light is eliminated. Re-install any networking accessories as the last step.
Re-install any upgraded networking components and restart your network. If you are unable to connect to Xbox Live and there are no hardware failure errors (red lights). turn off your Xbox, modem, or router for at least sixty seconds. Restart your router and test your network using a computer or alternate device to ensure the network is online and working. Power on your Xbox and select "My Xbox," "System Settings," "Network Settings." Select "Wired Network" or the name of your wireless network and "Text Xbox LIVE Connection." Contact technical support for your network upgrade component if you cannot connect and need to resolve any problems with open ports or the firewall configuration on your network.
Clear your Xbox system cache memory if the console stops working after upgrading the system software, or adding "downloadable content" (DLC) for a game. Select "Dashboard," "System Memory," and press "Y" on your controller. Press "X," "X," "Left Bumper," "Right Bumper," "X," "X." and select "yes" to perform the maintenance. Re-install the system upgrade or any downloaded game content after using this procedure.