Approach any citizen in Liberty City and press the "Right" arrow on your controller to select a weapon. Press the "A" button to use the weapon to mug the person. Walk over any money that drops to the ground to retrieve it. This action will automatically create a bank account if you did not already have one. You can verify the amount received by checking the balance at any ATM machine.
Press "Start" on your controller to review the map for icons showing missions that are available to play. Search the map for a small blue diamond icon that represents "Brian," who is the first random character you encounter in the game. Press the left stick on the controller to walk over to Brian to automatically begin a conversation. Brian will make fun of you and then hand you $100 that will open your bank account if it is the first monetary transaction you make.
Press the "Up" arrow on your controller to access your cell phone and press the "Down" arrow to select any contacts that have jobs available to perform. Select "Little Jacob" for the drug delivery job that becomes available early in the game. Press "Start" on your controller to access the in game map and travel to the "pickup location." Take the drugs to the "delivery location" to add funds to your bank account.