Things You'll Need
Map Structure for Symmetrical Levels
Build equally sized bases on adjacent sides of the maps.
Stylize the map to your personal appeal. Each half of the map does not need to be perfectly symmetrical, but be sure to give no side an advantage over the other.
Place team spawns far enough away so that it is nearly impossible for players to be killed upon the immediate start of the match.
Map Structure for Asymmetrical Maps
Build bases appropriate for the style of gameplay intended. Create a large base that is challenging to enter if the gametype is offense vs. defense. Give each team an equally accessible base if the gametype is not objective-based.
Stylize the map to your personal appeal. Asymmetrical maps give each side different fields of play without giving one team an extreme advantage over another. An asymmetrical map that does give one side a physical advantage over the other can be countered by better weapons on the other side.
Build an area or building close to the middle of the map for each team to battle for supremacy. This is not required, but encouraged.
Weapons and Health
Place weapon spawns appropriately throughout the map so that each team has an equal arsenal to battle with. Similarly, place health packs appropriately so each team has an equal opportunity to heal themselves.
Give each team an equal amount of power weapons so no part of the map has an advantage over the other. This does not mean for every Rocket Launcher, the other team needs their own; rather each power weapon can be countered by a different power weapon from the other team.
Supply each player with one or two starting weapons that are appropriate for the map. The norm for medium to large maps is the DMR as the primary weapon and Assault Rifle as the secondary weapon. For small maps, it is usual to start with the Assault Rife as the primary weapon and Magnum as the secondary weapon.