The dragon Fortitudo in Chapter 4 is the first of seven bosses Bayonetta faces. She fights Temperantia in Chapter 7, Iustitia in Chapter 11, Sapientia in Chapter 13, Jeanne in Chapter 14 and Father Balder in Chapter 16. Bayonetta faces Jubileus in the game's epilogue in a multi-phase battle.
Each boss follows a repetitive attack pattern. A player can easily defeat each boss by learning the pattern, dodging attacks and attacking vulnerable areas on the enemy. The game's camera will also direct the player to target specific areas by focusing on them. For example, it will focus on Temperantia's hand when he's grabbing the platform Bayonetta stands.
A player will have to utilize all of Bayonetta's skills to beat the bosses, including her many combos, weapons and ability to freeze reality with "Witch Time." Many bosses have more than one phase to their fights, so the player will have to revise attack strategies during each phase.