Flashing Red Lights
The term bricked also is known as "the ring of death" across the gaming community, which symbolizes the flashing red lights that ring around the power button on the Xbox. There are four kinds of flashing red lights on the console, each indicating different types of possible errors.
The troubleshooting options on the support website wind down to simply unplugging every pluggable part of the Xbox or letting it cool down for several hours. However, if that doesn't work then the only option is to ship your Xbox back to Microsoft for repair, or you could try the more unconventional methods described in some online videos.
While trying to cool down your Xbox, do not attempt to freeze it. The refrigeration will damage the circuitry by causing condensation within the console. The general impression of the gaming community on the Internet seems to be that once the red lights start to blink it's the end of your Xbox.