While early productions of the Premium console included the same motherboard components as the Core system, later runs featured the Falcon motherboard, which helped prevent the hardware failures common to previous versions. These later productions also included a 65-nm CPU, which operated with less noise and heat than previous models. The Premium system also has a silver disc drive, in visual contrast to the white disc drive on the Core system.
Hard Drive
The Premium Xbox 360 included a hard drive, which connected to the system externally. Original models included a 20 gigabyte storage limit, while newer versions upgraded the drive to 60GB. The hard drive came with the "Hexic HD" Xbox Live Arcade title preinstalled.
The Premium system shipped with a unique connection cable including both HD component and standard definition composite connections. No other 360 model has included these cables. While the system featured an HDMI output, the package did not include an HDMI connection cable. Note that some early 20GB versions did not have HDMI capabilities.
In addition to the component/composite connection cables and hard drive, the Premium system came with one white wireless controller, a wired headset and an Ethernet cable for network connections. Like other models, it also included an Xbox Live Gold account trial membership.