Things You'll Need
Purchase a wireless router that is compatible with the DD-WRT firmware; see the link under Resources for a list. (This article will refer to this new router as simply "router" while your main wireless router will be referred to as your "main router.")
Download the DD-WRT firmware from the link under Resources. You will have to download a certain version depending on the router you are using.
Hook up the router to your laptop or PC.
Update your router's firmware to the version needed by the DD-WRT download. Some routers will require updates up to a certain point or the DD-WRT will break them by messing up the hardware's programming. This process is different for every router and can even change model to model.
Use the same process you used to update your router's firmware to update it to the DD-WRT firmware.
Open an Internet browser and put the numbers in the address bar. Hit "Enter." You will be able to access your router's settings by doing this. If a window asking for a username and password come up try using "root" for the username and "admin" for the password.
Change this router's mode to a "client mode wireless." This will allow the router you are modifying to connect to the main router that you normally use to connect to the Internet. This process will also be different router to router; please see the links under Resources for additional assistance.
Disconnect from your main router to see if your new router is able to connect to the Internet.
Unplug the router -- now an adapter -- from your laptop or computer and plug it into your Xbox 360.
Turn your Xbox 360 on; you should be able to connect to the Internet.