Things You'll Need
Select Campaign mode from the main screen. Begin the mission "Sierra 117" on the difficulty normal, heroic, or legendary.
Go through the mission until you run into the first enemy drop ship. After defeating the enemies, go behind where the enemies were dropped toward the water. The "Blind" skull is on a rock above the water.
Jump from the railing and up onto the building ledge on the other side of the dam. Turn right and look on the ground to find the "Iron" skull and then finish the level.
Hop up onto the metal shelves across from the door at the starting point of the mission "Crow's Nest." Jump to the narrow red pipe and then jump up onto a larger pipe. Collect the "Black Eye" skull at the end of the pipe.
Slowly inch yourself over the edge of the platform in the tunnel area just after defeating the Brute Chieftain. As you are falling, pull down on the left thumbstick to back onto the platform directly below the one you just fell from. Pick up the "Grunt Birthday Party" skull on the floor of the tunnel and then complete the mission.
Turn left after exiting the tunnel beyond the first road block in the mission "Tsavo Highway." Climb the yellow ladder on the side of the large pipe line running alongside the highway and walk along the pipe line until you reach a fence. Jump past the fence drop down to the walkway running along the mountainside to the left.
Move to the end of the walkway and turn left. Run and jump over to the opposite cliff side and pick up the "Tough Luck" skull to complete the mission.
Look for a circular building in the field. Destroy the Anti-air Wraith and Ghosts in the field, but spare the Plasma Morter Wraith. Drive a Warthog against the building, get out of the Warthog and jump onto its hood. Press "A" to jump and click the left thumbstick to execute a "Crouch jump" to get on top of the building. Collect the "Catch" skull there.
Climb the hill from the starting point of the "Floodgate" mission and follow the trail down to the city. As soon as you step onto the ramp, look up at the building to your right for a Flood creature. Kill the Flood immediately as he starts to jump away from the building, and collect the "Fog" skull that falls to the ground.
Turn right at a fork after encountering some Prowlers in the mission "The Ark" and drive underneath a giant walkway. At the end of the walkway, get out and jump up onto a big rock then jump up onto the walkway.
Move toward the support at the end of the walkway and throw a Plasma Grenade. Run and jump past the grenade so the explosion propels you forward. Pick up the "Famine" skull.
Go to the building after the scarab battle in the mission "The Ark" where there is a room with sleeping Grunts in it. Put a Grav lift on the transparent ramp in the hallway beyond that room. Go forward and jump so lift pushes your character to a landing near the ceiling. The "Cowbell" skull is on the landing.
Fly a Hornet in "The Covenant" mission to the second tower seen on the mountainsides on the right. Pick up the "Thunderstorm" skull on the large, white ramp in the tower.
Jump through the rings leading up to battle with the Prophet of Truth on the mission "The Covenant" in the correct order to make the "IWHBYD" skull appear. The correct order is "1-3-4-6-7-5-4-6-5-4-5-3-4", with the seventh ring being closest to the Prophet of Truth's location.
Go to the area beyond the Pelican crash site in the mission "Cortana" and stand on the circular platform. Go over to the Flood formations and jump up them until you get to the top where you can pick up the "Tilt" skull.
Walk down the path from the starting point of the mission "Halo" and hug the wall on the right. There will be a narrow trail hidden on the right. Pick up the "Mystic" skull laying on the ground at the end of this trail and then finish the mission or exit Campaign mode.
Press the "Start" button from the main screen. Select armor from the settings tab. Equip the Hayabusa body, Hayabusa shoulders and Hayabusa helmet to have your character wear the Hayabusa armor.