Complete the "Hoth Battle" level, which is the first level in the section for "The Empire Strikes Back." Restart the level in "Free Play" mode. Pull down ten AT-STs in the first area with your tow cable and collect Canister No. 1 when it appears. Go past the second white wall in the first area and collect Canister No. 2 from a pod on the right. Cycle through your vehicles and select a "TIE Fighter." Use it to open the first TIE gate and find Canister No. 3 under a snow bank at the back of the trenched area. Return to the TIE gate while dragging a bomb behind the vehicle. Use the bomb on the wall in the back, then destroy the three AT-STs and two Speeder Bikes to collect Canister No. 4.
Pull down 10 AT-STs in the second area with your tow cable and collect Canister No. 5 when it appears. Cycle through the available vehicles and select a "TIE Fighter." Open the second TIE Gate and locate Canister No. 6 down the tunnel and on the left. Go past the same TIE gate and through the tunnel. Collect Canister No. 7 in this open area in a pile of snow.
Locate Canister No. 8 in the second area, in a trench just before the last wall on the right. Collect Canister No. 9 in the back of the third area near the entrance. Go to the back of the third area near some snow drifts opposite of the entrance to get Canister No. 10.