Play Via Game Disc
Download the latest console update by turning on your Xbox 360 console and signing in to your Xbox Live Account.
Refer to the original Xbox games playable on Xbox 360 list to see if the original Xbox game you wish to play is compatible with Xbox 360. The list is found in the Resources section.
Insert your original Xbox game disc into the Xbox 360 console disc tray. The game will load and allow you to play.
Download Original Xbox Games
Sign in to your Xbox Live account.
Scroll to "Game Marketplace" from the Xbox Dashboard and select "Explore Game Content."
Scroll to "Games On-Demand," scroll right and select "All Originals."
Search for a game using its title or genre.
Select your desired game from the list of games.
Select "Buy" on the display of your desired game.
Select "Confirm Download."
Wait for the game to download. Once the game has finished downloading, scroll to "My Xbox," scroll right and select "Game Library."
Select the original Xbox game from the "Recent Games" list and select "Play Game."