Charge the wireless headset by plugging its charging cable into the headset's charging input and the other end into a controller port on the front of the Xbox 360.
Turn on the console to begin charging the wireless headset; then wait until its fully charged. The headset indicates a full battery when all four green lights on the headset flash in unison.
Disconnect the charging cable from the console and unplug the charging cable from the headset.
Push the syncing button on your Xbox 360. The button is located to the right of the memory card slots below the disc tray. Pushing this button places your console into wireless syncing mode.
Press the power button on the headset to turn it on.
Push the connect button---the one with three wavy lines---on the headset. This places the headset in wireless syncing mode. The headset will then automatically sync to the console. The process completes when the Xbox 360's four rings light up in a rotating motion.