The homes in Bravil, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorrol and Leyawiin can be purchased by speaking to the count or countess in the city's castle. In Imperial City, the contact person can be found in the Office of Imperial Commerce. In each case, you must bribe or persuade the contact person to raise his disposition before you can discuss the house.
In the remaining two cities, you have to complete a quest before you can obtain a house. In Anvil, speak to Velwyn Benirus in the Count's Arms inn to begin the Where Spirits Have Lease quest. Speak to Shum gro-Yarug in Castle Skingrad to begin the quests for the house in that city.
Costs range from 2,000 gold for the house in Imperial City to 25,000 gold for the Skingrad home.
A house provides your character with a no-cost place to rest and a secure location in which to store belongings.