Things You'll Need
Open the Xbox 360 by remove the outer plastic shell and unscrewing the Torx size 7 screws on the metal interior casing. Disconnect the SATA cable from the Xbox 360 to the DVD drive and connect your SATA cable from the DVD drive to your PC's motherboard. Turn on the computer and download the free program JungleFlasher (see References) to stealth flash the DVD drive. Install the program and reboot the computer. As of August 2010, JungleFlasher is the most reliable BIN flashing software available.
Run the JungleFlasher program and select the Xbox 360 DVD drive from its menu. Click "Copy .BIN" to copy the DVD drive's BIN file for editing on your computer. The program will transfer the BIN file from the DVD drive to your PC's hard drive.
Click "Stealth Flash .BIN" in JungleFlasher and the program will stealth flash your edited BIN file from the computer's hard drive to the Xbox 360 DVD drive via the SATA cable. Wait for the flash process to complete, then turn off the computer and disconnect the SATA cable from the PC to the DVD drive. Reconnect the SATA cable from the Xbox 360 to its DVD drive and replace the Torx size 7 screws. Replace the metal case and the plastic shell on the console before turning it on again.