Things You'll Need
Lay the damaged Xbox 360 game upside down on a flat surface. Squirt a small amount of fine polish onto the scratched or damaged area of the Xbox 360 game.
Wrap the polishing cloth around the thumb of your dominant hand. Rub from the inside of the Xbox 360 game to the outside edge, going over the damaged area with the polishing cloth. Place significant pressure on the top of the damaged area as you rub across it with the polishing cloth.
Repeat the polishing process with the cloth wrapped around your thumb, going from the inside to the outside of the game, until the appearance of the scratch begins to fade.
Squeeze a small amount of the micro-finish polish on top of the damaged or scratched area of the Xbox 360 game. Rub from the inside of the game to the outside edge of the game with the polishing cloth to fill in the scratches with the micro-finish polish. Repeat the polishing process until all of the excess micro-finish polish has been rubbed into the scratches.
Insert the newly polished game into the Xbox 360 gaming console to ensure the success of the polishing process. Repeat the polishing process, starting with the fine polish, if the game continues to malfunction in the XBox 360 gaming console.