Things You'll Need
Plug the square connector on one end of the Xbox 360 component HD AV cable into its connection on the back of the Xbox 360.
Plug the red, green and blue male plugs at the other end of the Xbox 360 component HD AV cable into the red, green and blue female connections of the component-to-DVI adapter. Plug the DVI male plug at the other end of the component-to-DVI adapter into the DVI female connection on the LCD monitor.
Set the HDTV switch on the Xbox 360 component HD AV cable to ̶0;HDTV.̶1; Turn on the LCD monitor. Turn on the Xbox 360. Navigate to the ̶0;My Xbox̶1; icon. Select ̶0;System Settings̶1; from the list of choices beneath ̶0;My Xbox.̶1;
Select ̶0;Console Settings̶1; from beneath ̶0;System Settings.̶1; Select ̶0;Display̶1; from beneath ̶0;System Settings.̶1;
Select ̶0;HDTV Settings̶1; from beneath ̶0;Display.̶1; Select the video resolution from the list of choices that is closest to the resolution of the LCD monitor, for example, 720p or 1080i. Navigate back to the Xbox 360̵7;s Home menu.