On Xbox 360
Check the back of your Xbox 360 to make sure the console is connected to the Internet, via Ethernet or a wireless adapter.
Turn on the console with no disc in the tray. If you are asked to update your system files, click "Yes, Download the Update." This will download the driver files necessary to run the camera.
Plug the Xbox Live Vision Camera into the Xbox 360's USB port. The port is located at the bottom of the console's front face if the console is upright, or the far right side if it is operating in the horizontal position.
Watch the four semi-circular lights surrounding the camera's lens. When the lights blink, the drivers have been successfully activated and the camera is ready for use.
Turn on your Windows-based PC and log into Windows.
Open the Start Menu and click "Windows Update." Click "OK" to any updates that need to be downloaded or applied. This will ready the computer to apply the Xbox Live Vision drivers.
Connect the Xbox Live Vision camera to one of the USB ports on your computer.
Click "OK" when asked if you want to start the Add New Hardware Wizard.
Click "OK" to allow the computer to connect to Microsoft to search for driver updates. The driver will automatically download and apply, and the camera will be ready for use when you click "Finish."