Things You'll Need
Plug in the USB device to your Xbox 360 and plug in the hard drive containing the game saves you wish to copy. Turn on the Xbox 360 and allow the main menu to load.
Move the analog stick to the right and select "Memory" and press "A." Select "Xbox Hard Drive" and press "A." Select "Game Saves" and select "Copy to USB Device" and press "A." Select the USB device you plugged into the Xbox 360 and select "Copy" by pressing "A." The game saves from the first Xbox 360 hard drive will be copied to your USB memory stick.
Turn off the Xbox 360 after the copying finishes. Remove the first Xbox 360 hard drive and replace it with the hard drive you want to copy the game saves to. Turn on the Xbox 360, move the analog stick to the right to select "Memory," then "USB Device," and press "A." Select "Game Saves" and select "Copy" by pressing the "A" button. Select "Xbox Hard Drive" and press "A." The Xbox 360 will copy all game saves from the USB memory stick to the second Xbox 360 hard drive. The game saves can be loaded as soon as the copy process is complete.