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How to Repair an XBox Red Ring of Death

There&'s nothing worse than getting the Red Ring of Death (RRoD) on your Xbox 360. You will know you are victim of the RRoD when three of the four lights on the outskirt of your power button start blinking red instead of staying green; the center part of your power button will remain green. When this happens, your Xbox 360 has experienced a hardware issue that is probably related to overheating. Usually, you will have to send back the console to Microsoft for the repair, but there is a way to try to fix it at home first.

Things You'll Need

  • 3 large towels
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    • 1

      Turn on your Xbox 360, remove any discs from your console, then turn it back off.

    • 2

      Unplug all of the wires attached to the console, except the power cable.

    • 3

      Remove the hard drive from the left side of the Xbox 360. This can be done by pushing in the small button in the middle of the hard drive, then pulling the hard drive away from the console.

    • 4

      Lay the Xbox 360 down flat.

    • 5

      Turn your Xbox 360 on.

    • 6

      Wrap your Xbox 360 in three very thick towels and let it sit for 20 to 25 minutes. The purpose of doing this is to heat the Xbox 360 up enough so that the hardware that most likely became disconnected from the motherboard will heat up and meld itself back to the motherboard, therefore possibly resolving the error and fixing the RRoD.

    • 7

      Remove the towels. The RRoD should still be blinking.

    • 8

      Turn your Xbox 360 off and let your console cool down for 15 to 20 minutes. This allows your motherboard to cool and your heated-up hardware to settle into place.

    • 9

      Plug your hard drive back in to the side of your Xbox 360 and plug the rest of your wires in.

    • 10

      Press the power button on your console. It should start normally, without the RRoD.

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