Things You'll Need
Make sure the disc you want to rip/install to your hard drive is as clean as possible before inserting it into your Xbox 360. You may need to wipe it down with a silk cloth. When the disc is clean, insert it into the disc tray.
At the welcome screen go to My Xbox and highlight the icon for the disc you just inserted. Press "Y."
Highlight Install Game or Install to Hard Drive. Various games say different things, but the action is still the same. Press "A."
A progress bar will appear, showing you how far along your installation is. It shouldn&'t take longer than an hour for the progress bar to reach 100%. When the progress bar does reach 100%, your game is ripped/installed.
To play your newly ripped/installed game, you must have the game disc in the system tray. At the welcome screen go to My Xbox and highlight the game icon. Press "Y." Highlight Play Game and press "A."