Press the "Power" button on the headset to turn it off and on a few times. Between each press, wait a few seconds to see if the status light turns on. If the headset does not turn on, proceed to Step 2.
Disconnect the headset from its charger if it is connected. Place the headset in a cool and dark area until the device is cool to the touch. Do not place the headset in a cooler or freezer. Very warm temperatures can cause the headset to malfunction. If the device is in an extremely cold area, place it in a room-temperature area until the device does not feel cold to the touch.
Reconnect the headset to the charger cable and allow it to charge for at least six hours or overnight. The lights on the microphone section should flash in sequence over and over while charging.
Wait until the lights on the microphone section begin flashing together at the same time before disconnecting the charger cable. Press the "Power" button to turn on the headset.