Things You'll Need
Turn off your Xbox and unplug any cords from the back of the device. Turn the unit on its side and push down on the circular hard drive button while simultaneously sliding the rectangular hard drive down and off of the device.
Use your fingers to pry off the front cover (the rectangular piece of plastic that covers the buttons and disk drive) from the sides.
Insert the tip of your hobby knife in the holes in the sides of the Xbox near where the side panels connect to the body of the device. Gently pry up on your hobby knife until the side panels pop out of the device.
Insert the tip of your hobby knife in the seam near the back of the Xbox where the two halves connect. Gently work your way along the seam until you hear each locking latch pop up. Repeat the process on the other side of the console.
Use your fingers to pop the four rectangular plastic clips located on the front of the Xbox.
Use your fingers to separate the bottom half of the Xbox console from the front. Set the bottom half aside; you will be left with the internal components housed in a metal frame.
Use your kitchen knife to unscrew each of the screws located on the top panel of the metal frame. Lift the metal panel up to expose the internal components of the Xbox.
Lift the rectangular hard drive out of the Xbox and unplug the connector cable from the bottom of the drive. You are now left with the main circuit board, and your Xbox is taken apart.