Create a premium membership. To be a creator in the Rock Band Network, you will need to create a free Rock Band Creators Club account. You will also need an Xbox Live Gamertag, a Gold Xbox Live membership, and a $99 yearly membership to the XNA Creators Club.
Download the authoring tools. The necessary program tools for Rock Band Network creation can be acquired through the RBN website (see reference).
Author your musical tracks. Using the tools provided, create note charts for your music before testing it on your Xbox 360 in order to ensure successful operation. You must own the master recordings and rights for any music you wish to publish in the Rock Band Network.
Upload your track for peer evaluation. All members of the Creators Community have access to songs submitted to the site and can review them for quality. Feedback will be provided in order to make the track as successful as possible.
Once any necessary changes are made from the feedback received during peer evaluation, submit your track for review. Premium Creators Community members will have access to your track, and determine if it is ready for release to the store. Once your track passes review, it will be automatically published to the store. Once in the store, you will begin to receive revenue for every sale.