Pull open the small cardboard cutoff on the side of the Xbox 360 game console package and examine the back of the Xbox 360 game console. On the left-hand side of the bar code is the voltage rating for the device. If the voltage reads "12V=12.1A; 5V=1A", the Xbox 360 game console is likely a "Jasper" model.
Examine the bar code sticker on the side of the Xbox 360 game console package. If the sticker states that the enclosed game console is an "Arcade Version," the bar code label reads "XGX-00019," and the Lot Number reads "0824K" or higher, it is likely that the game console is a "Jasper" model.
Inspect the Xbox 360 power supply once the package has been opened. If the technical information sticker states that the voltage level is "12V=12.1A; 5V=1A" and the power supply is rated at "150W," it is likely that the Xbox 360 game console is a "Jasper" model.