Things You'll Need
Equip with eight tiger lilies for your garden. You can purchase tiger lilies from the Costolot's General Store or talk to a Seedo to acquire one.
Plant the eight tiger lilies in soil, long grass or grass. When you have planted the lilies, the Tigermisu will appear.
Plant an additional four tiger lilies in your garden, to reach 12 tiger lilies overall. Also, ensure you host a Zumbug in your garden, the zebra-like character. If you have a Hostachio -- the horse -- instead, feed it a blackberry and a daisy to get the Zumbug. With 12 lilies and a Zumbug, the Tigermisu will visit your garden.
Feed the Tigermisu the Zumbug. Also, give him to eat a Buzzlegum -- the bee pinata character.
Feed the Tigermisu two Moojoos -- the reindeer-like creatures -- to make him a garden resident. You should see that after he eats the Zumbug, the Buzzlegum and the Moojoos, his fur color changes from white to orange.