Attract two pinatas of the same type, then check the romance requirements for the species. This information is located in the pinata index in the Encyclopedia.
Fulfill the romance requirements for your chosen species. This typically involves accessing Willy Builder from the menu and instructing him to build the pinatas' house, then having each of the two pinatas eat a particular seed or flower. Occasionally, the requirements may include the placement of a specified item in your garden.
Select one of the pinatas and instruct it to interact with the other pinata of the same species. This will cause them to "romance." Note that the pinatas will only romance if they both have a heart above their heads. The hearts appear once the romance requirements have been fulfilled.
Complete the maze that is presented to you. To do this, lead the movable pinata through the maze to meet its counterpart at the end.
Watch the brief "romance dance" animation, then wait for the new pinata egg to arrive. Once the egg hatches, ship the newborn off to Pinata Central Headquarters to complete the A Bouncing Baby Pinata challenge.