Select your difficulty. The achievement can be earned on either difficulty -- normal or insane. However, while you gain more points per each enemy kill on insane difficulty as opposed to normal, the enemies are more numerous and difficult to kill.
Destroy as many enemies as possible using your weapons. Enemies appear on screen in groups of five to 25 from the right side of the screen. Touching an enemy directly causes you to lose a life.
Grab every power-up even if you do not need it. Every power-up you get increases your score by 50 points. Missing one power-up could mean the difference between reaching 185,000 and being slightly under.
Use a second player or a second controller to begin the game in two-player mode. In this mode, you can attach the second ship to yours, increasing your health and allowing you to survive for longer periods of time.
Reach the final boss with a score of 165,000 or higher. The last boss awards 20,000 points when defeated. If your score is under 165,000, you cannot gain the achievement and must restart the game.